ar-Arabic (العربية) - translation progress for f39

Spoken in these territories: AE  BH  DJ  DZ  EG  EH  ER  IL  IQ  JO  KM  KW  LB  LY  MA  MR  OM  PS  QA  SA  SD  SO  SY  TD  TN  YE  IR  SS 

Language progress for Arabic (ar) in Fedora f39 is:

  • 14.84% when we only look on started packages for this language.
  • 14.75% when we compare to every single translatable string in Fedora f39.

Possible scripts are: ArabSyrc

  • Total translatable string in Fedora f39: 7523
  • Source words to translate in started packages: 7479
  • Translated words: 1110



Name Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Language teams
bluedevil 535 535 100.0 ar
blueman 575 1863 30.9 Arabic
bluefish 0 5081 0.0 none